Having grown up in France and Madagascar, Alexandra has always been in contact with nature and fascinated by wildlife. Her passion for the environment and her desire to act for its protection led her to study biology. After graduating with a degree in Biology, Ecology and Evolution with a specialization in Ecology and Biology of organisms at the University of Montpellier, she joined Aix-Marseille University to specialize in Adaptive Management of Biodiversity with a Master’s degree.
During her studies, she had the opportunity to join several research laboratories in Biology and Evolution, companies and environmental protection associations, to work on plant dynamics, the functional connectivity of the landscape and the interactions between plants and pollinators. During her end-of-studies work, Alexandra carried out a review of herpetofauna knowledge and established a regional IUCN red list of reptiles and amphibians based on citizen science. His experiences have enabled him to develop skills in setting up sampling protocols and standardized data analyzes and citizen science.
Wanting to contribute to the improvement of biodiversity management practices, she moved to Belgium to study beekeeping management practices and the competition between wild and honeybees in natural and semi-natural environments. She then had the opportunity to discover the world of urban planning and land use planning, as a project manager and advisor for biodiversity. During her career, Alexandra was able to set up monitoring of biodiversity and environmental quality indicators, analyze the demography of animal populations and establish diagnostics of the functional connectivity of terrestrial, aquatic and nocturnal ecological networks. (Green, blue and black frames).
Her desire to support environmental actors for the well-being of biodiversity led her to join the E-BIOM team as a project manager.
Rue Camille Hubert, 11
Parc Scientifique Créalys
5032 Les Isnes – Belgique
TVA BE 0720.977.244 – RPM (Namur)
IBAN BE83 7320 6527 7415 – Swift/BIC CREGBEBB