Always attracted by nature, and the preservation of biodiversity but also by the agricultural world, Camille chose to undertake bioengineering studies at UCLouvain. Having moved into the agronomy sector, she specialized in the field of plant diseases through advanced studies in integrated crop protection. During her 3rd year of baccalaureate, she travelled to Cambodia for a month to carry out a project on the theme of agroecology, in collaboration with the University of Battambang and its students. In 2019-2020, she then completed her final dissertation on the influence of the different biotopes present in agricultural environments on the activity of pollinators, a subject she knows in part thanks to the work of beekeeping practised in her family.
Finishing her studies in the midst of a pandemic, she accepted a first job within the SYNLAB Group. Thanks to this, she acquired professional experience as a laboratory technician in the context of screening for Covid-19.
However, wishing to invest in the fields that inspire her, she joined the E-BIOM team in August 2022 to start a doctoral thesis in a company on the topic of pollinators. As part of the measures aimed at halting the decline of the latter, the study aims to develop a method for carrying out inventories of flowering plants and wild bees based on the DNA left by the bees in the environment, as well as to assess the competition between wild bees and honeybees. The thesis thus combines field sampling, sample processing in the laboratory and data analysis.
Rue Camille Hubert, 11
Parc Scientifique Créalys
5032 Les Isnes – Belgique
TVA BE 0720.977.244 – RPM (Namur)
IBAN BE83 7320 6527 7415 – Swift/BIC CREGBEBB